Laundromat for Sale
- Price: $499,000
- Gross Income: $415,926
- Cash Flow: $128,000
- FFE: $150,900
- Inventory: $3,000
- Real Estate Value: $0
- Source Data:
About the Business
- Listing ID: #01-181
- Year Established: 1995
- Financing:
- Training: Seller will provide all necessary training.
- Facilities:
- Competition:Minimal competition. This is the only laundromat in the area.
- Growth: There are several growth opportunities including being open more hours, accepting more dry cleaning, and calling on more motels and resorts in the area.
- Employees:
Property Descriptions
Very profitable laundromat in busy location on a major highway. Business has a long history of repeat customers. The business has performed well since the pandemic began and is on track to have a great 2020. Only laundromat in the area and they draw from several surrounding communities. In business for over 20 years. This is a great opportunity to own a fun business with great cash flow. Owner is looking to retire because of health reasons.
The information in this listing has been provided by the business seller or representative stated above. The Business Broker Journal has no stake in the sale of this business, has not verified the accuracy, completeness, and assumes no responsibility for this advertisement. Read our Terms and Conditions for more information.
Business Listed By

Roy Huffman 3315 E Ridgeview, Suite 2000, Missouri, Springfield
- E-mail : bbj@fnbcusa.com
- Web : https://www.fnbcusa.com
- Phone : (866) 800-0990
- Company : First National Business Corporation
- Listings : 53