D. Lanier Chew 28218 US Highway 98, Daphne, Alabama, 36526
We have more businesses for sale along the Gulf Coast of Alabama and Florida than any other professional network. We have offices serving Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama and the Pensacola Destin, and Fort Walton Florida area. We cover the Gulf Coast South. Now celebrating 18-years of service to business owners and buyers. Our Broker-Agents are excited about the services we offer. Our goals are: •To treat all buyers and sellers forthrightly and with integrity in all that we do. •To understand the true needs of both the business owners and business buyers. •To assist qualified buyers in finding good, long-term business opportunities. •To bring both the buyer and seller together through a completed transaction that works for both. •Maintain confidentiality to protect both business sellers and buyers. •Provide business valuations and appraisals that represent the true worth and value of a business.